Our Financial Advisory Process

Your life-changing decision to create your own Financial Advice Map and LifePlan Model.

We understand that getting financial advice can be daunting, so we make the journey as enjoyable as we can. From our first meeting which is always complimentary right through to our regular process meeting, we have a client-first philosophy that is based on our own Five Pillars advice journey.

Boutique Five Pillars is a way for us to best understand you, and for you to be clear that we are the right fit for the advice that your family wants. We are happy to invest time with you and your family upfront in our first meeting to work through this and make sure there is alignment on what we can do for you. If it is more complex, we will generally defer to a second meeting. Regardless we will always provide you with high-level written terms of engagement with approximate costs for your consideration.

Our 5 pillars journey is centred around not only understanding your financial position, but equally understanding your Goals, Purpose, and Legacy needs (GPL) so we can align this with your wealth and financial needs. From your initial discovery meeting through to our regular progress meetings, we are with you every step of the way to keep you on track.

Discovery Meeting

Generally, at our first meeting, we will start collecting information from you. Once you have formally engaged us, we will then formally gather all relevant information to start collating your personal Advice Map. Your advice map is a very visual A3 page that we use throughout our advice journey with you. For more complex situations we may need to meet more than once (face to face or through Teams online) or work with your other professional advisers to collate what we need.

Initial Strategy with Draft Modelling

Once we have collected the information that we need, and we are happy that we have included all the information we need from your other professional advisers, we then start with the initial strategy and draft modelling. We do this with our Strategy and Modelling presentation, which again can be done face-to-face or through teams online. This meeting is the fun part where we have started to pull together some modelling options for us to collaborate on and start to narrow down what is best suited for you and your family.

Final Modelling Meeting

Most times we can get the modelling done with the one meeting however experience shows us that once we have started and our clients see some of the solutions, further ideas and needs may populate that we may need to consider further. This extra stage is quite normal, and we are more than happy to re-cut strategy to make sure we are all on the same path.

Formal Advice Document

Once the pathway has been agreed upon, we will then provide a formal advice document with the agreed advice and advice and commence the first steps of implementation once it has been explained, understood and agreed upon as the best way forward.

Comfort Meeting

We understand that any major changes like this can be confusing so once we have completed the implementation, we love to reconnect and help talk through all the implemented advice. This meeting again does not need to be face to face and is a great opportunity to talk through the changes so everything and one is aligned and to meet the rest of the team that has helped pull it all together.

Regular Progress Meeting

Depending on how often our clients engage us on-going, we love our regular progress catch-ups as it is a great way to check in to make sure we are all on track. Life is not a straight line so ultimately the modelling updates allow you to see how you are tracking and for us to re-adjust what we need to make sure you remain on track. Our regular check in with you can be monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annually, depending on the complexity of your affairs. On an annual basis we can formally re-do the modelling based on your progress and any life changes that may have taken you off track.