Reflection on 2023

With this year marking the 20-year anniversary of Boutique, we have seen our team and business grow with your support and help.

Boutique Advisers 20 Year Anniversary

By now a lot of you would have seen our new office fit-out which was completed in August 2023.  We’ve had a lot of positive feedback on the upgraded space from our clients. Our team is thoroughly enjoying their new workspace & the separate lunchroom is well used for them to take a break from their desks and enjoy a game of table tennis on a Friday afternoon!

Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) – Professional Practice of the Year

Being awarded the 2023 FAAA Professional Practice of the year has been a highlight for us.  The award is the highest level of recognition available in our industry and is independently judged by a panel of industry experts.

Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) – Professional Practice of the Year

Having been named a Finalist in 2022, it was wonderful for us to come away with the win this year. This solidifies the great advice we provide our clients, and in turn recognises our entire team for the work they do to support our clients.

Boutique Awards

At the end of this year, we presented the inaugural Boutique Advisers awards. These awards are a way of recognising our team members and their contribution to Boutique, with a little humour attached to a couple of them.

Boutique “Keen as Mustard” award – went to Josh Franzone. Josh joined us during the year as he made the switch from Accounting to Financial Advice and this year has been growing and learning within our associate team. Josh is always up and about and keen to learn and get better at his craft. Josh has great energy around the office and is always available to give a helping hand. We are glad he made the change and is a really important member of our team.

Boutique “Spirit award” – Neil Cocker has been with Boutique since 2006 and is one of our more Senior Advisers. Neil knows what it takes to be part of the team and to continually self-improve. In life we are always learning and growing, and Neil has been a leader in adapting to change this last 12 months and has had some great client outcomes as a result.

Boutique “5 Pillars Champion” – Sean Hocking moved from our associate team into the advice team this last 12 months and has been able to deliver some great client outcomes through the Boutique 5 Pillars client journey. Understanding Client Financial goals are important, but the linkage to being able to help clients prioritise these goals by understanding a clients Purpose and Legacy needs has been the key to Sean’s clients’ successes in 2023.

Boutique “Client Experience” award – Arguably the most important award at Boutique goes to Nicole Wieman who is one of our Senior Client Managers. Nicole shows an unwavering commitment to helping clients and going above and beyond to make their life easier. Nothing is ever too much for Nicole and when you have a team of Client Managers like we do, it makes our business such a better place to work and makes our clients happy.

Boutique “Blue Circle” Award – Denys Orobchenko takes the award this year for his all-round hard work and commitment to the business. Denys as a Senior Associate continues to work tirelessly with our advisers to create better outcomes for our clients, took over the Investment Committee chairing role with our investment consultants, all whilst completing a number of university units to round off his tertiary education.

Boutique Advisers receiving award
Left to Right: Neil Cocker, Sean Hocking, Nicole Wieman, Denys Orobchenko, Josh Franzone

These highlights are just the tip of what our team achieved collectively and individually in 2023.  We look forward to growing even further into 2024 and sharing that experience with all of our clients and business partners. Wishing everyone a safe and prosperous New Year.